
Fashion Day By Day

One of my New Years' Resolutions is to abide by a more responsible budget (as in, any budget at all), so I am going to be laying off the fashion blogs for a while because if I see it, I want it. And then I buy it. And that doesn't seem like a very good fit for a budget.

So, until I have gained a little more self-control, I am going to keep myself a little in the dark.

But, that's no reason why the rest of you shouldn't have a little fun, right? And so, I am going to pass along this little fashion blog I just came across. (Being the savvy fashionistas that you are, you probably know about it already, but I am going to tell you about it nonetheless.)

Introducing, The Daybook!

This cute Idaho-to-D.C. transplant mama talks about life and clothes and everything in between and I think you'll probably like it a whole lot.

If you don't already. Which you probably do.

Just in case you need some more convincing, here are a few samples of the fashion glory that await you.

Sigh. I am coveting already.
How about you? Which fashion blogs are your must-reads?


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