
Neck In Neck

I am in the midst of a little wardrobe renovation, and I think we can all agree that one of the easiest ways to spice up your tried and trues without forking over too much cash, all while maximizing versatility, is to invest in some new accessories.

I think we can probably also all agree that Shabby Apple's hand-strung stone necklace, Dagny, is a fabulous place to start, if sprucing is your goal.

If you happen to be a little bit on the fence about this hypothesis, I invite you to take my word for it. Because, you see, I know. I ordered the Dagny necklace, and then I used it to spruce up my green lace shift, Love Me Do.

It looked a little something like this.

And now I am sure we are all in agreement. Fabulous, no?

What are your go-to accessories to spruce and spice things up a bit? 


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