
A Vintage Birdie Told Me

There is a lot of talk around here (here being our nation's capital) about the national budget (like that we don't have one) and lots of people (say, journalists and John Boehner) are throwing around the idea that there is going to be a government shut-down (hello, 1995!), which means that people who work for the government (such as yours truly) might not get paid for weeks until they (they being John Boehner) work the whole thing out.

And weirdly, all this does is make me want to shop. And dream of far-away (and expensive) locales where I could spend an extended (unpaid) hiatus.

So imagine my luck that today I stumbled upon this little online vintage retailer, Bleubird Vintage. There are duds for the whole family (papa bird, mama bird and baby bird), plus shoes, accessories and home items as well. A few of my favorites.

And, you'll fall a little more in love once you read owner Miss James' blog. Talk about darling and uber-hip children. Can I be them?

What did you think of Bleubird Vintage?
Find any favorites?


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