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Shine On
I was lucky enough to spend Saturday evening with one Ms. Samantha House , who in addition to being down for a harrowing drive to the near-g...
Flat Foot
With Spring comes the inevitable search for good flats . Because frolicking about in grassy meadows and bustling cities and sunshine is no t...
Hair Today
I am in the middle of growing out my hair . As a life-long Person With Short Hair, this is a somwhat painful, excruciating process. I have a...
Hey Baby, What's Your Style?
Personal style, I have decided, is something that is always evolving . Sure, we all have our signature flair, whether it be colorful shoes o...
Attention Designers!! Wanna Be A Star?
If you are a designer , and if you have a goal for fame and world domination (which, let's be honest, I think we all do), and, most impo...
Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall...
Dress Number Two is the least fair of them all! To refresh your memory (do we really want to do that?), here is the Ugliest Bridesmaid Dress...
Remember, Remember...
... that there are only a few more hours to vote for the Ugliest Bridesmaid Dress of All Time ! We will be shutting the contest down at high...
Which Is The Least Fair Of Them All?
As a person who very firmly refuses to ever look at again, not to mention let anyone else ever look at any photograph taken of me between th...