Escape Artists
Turns out saying "I've been having technical difficulties" out loud on a blog is sort of like saying, "Man, it's quiet in here" in an Emergency Room. Next thing you know, BAM! You have a lot more on your hands than you bargained for.
Anywhosie, sorry if some of you were also having trouble getting to us in the past week, but I think the kink is out and we are up and running and moving full speed on to the next thing.
{Pause. Technical difficulties also included me not being able to get to the comments section and so not being able to get to your delicious pie recipes. I know this process is to the point of ridiculous, but winner coming soon! Baking currently underway.}
Let us talk now for a moment about how much we love summer. I am currently drinking in outdoor films on the National Mall, and I am sure you all have favorite things about summer as well. Ice cream? Walks outside? Fishing? Beaching? Whatever your favorite activity or haunt is, summer is the time to escape, and I hope you are getting to do plenty of that.
Now. If you happen to be looking for a new escape plan, might I recommend the Berkshires? This charming western Massachussetts hideaway has enough to keep you busy for many summers to come, all wrapped up in dreamy New England charm. A brief overview of what awaits you in this magical place: a Norman Rockwell museum, canoeing, fishing and brunch, a Shaker village, charming town streets lined with antiques stores and little shops filled to the brim with local art you cannot live without. Oh, and how about a summer concert series featuring members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and artists from the prestigious Tanglewood music program?
Yes, please.
Truly. There is nothing like the charm of a calm and sleepy and warm and cozy and lazy and outdoors New England summer.
Let us all take a moment to sigh. Happily.
Because I would like to move on to some more good news. We here at Shabby Apple want you to enjoy your summer as much as humanly possible. We want you to escape whenever you need to. But we know that that can be a little hard to accomplish sometimes. Because life and responsibilities and all that. But, it's OK! We are here to help.
If you can't have the perfect summer get-away, we would at least like you to have the perfect summer get-away dress. Like maybe a breezy, romantic, East Coast-y dress from our new Berkshires line.
Keep checking back, my friends. The magic drops August 2nd, and you are going to want to be the first to know about it.
Happy escape!
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