
Stocking Up

I am not a person who likes to celebrate Christmas too early (it's just me and Nordstrom, looks like), but I am also the person who didn't finish sewing my Christmas advent calendar until December 22 last year. So, I am making an exception to my no-Christmas-before-Thanksgiving-rule to get a jump start on all my Christmas craft projects. That way I can actually enjoy the fruits of my labors when December rolls around.

First up, stockings. 

I have a gaudy/awesome white Christmas tree and my other Christmas decorations have a sort of vintage feel, so I was particularly drawn to this pattern for retro-style stockings from Simply Notable. As a bonus, the pattern looks pretty simple with no lining or serging or quilting.

And, while we are on the topic of simple, this felt stocking pattern from Better Homes and Gardens doesn't even require sewing! Just glue the pieces together and get on with your celebrating. I love me some felt, and I love me some glue.

I also love this pattern from Martha Stewart (natch) for recycling sweaters into cozy Christmas stockings. Sweaters with unusual pockets, buttons or zippers are particularly good candidates. Maybe you could even take the great ugly Christmas sweater to the next level?

Whatever stocking pattern strikes your fancy, I think we can all agree that when it comes to Christmas stockings, the bigger the better. We all need room for the loot!

What is your favorite style of Christmas stocking? And your favorite stocking gift?


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