
Wedding Bell(a)

Because the Internet is a place where we do not judge each other, I feel totally comfortable and not at all embarassed telling you that I watched "Twilight" three times last weekend.

And then maybe I got on Stephenie Meyer's Web site and read a bunch of stuff there.

And then maybe I kept scouring the World Wide Web for any other "Twilight"-related tidbits.

Which might have led me to a feature from In Style Magazine, wherein well-known designers took a stab at designing Bella's wedding dress, based on a reference in the third novel, "Eclipse." No one has caught a glimpse of the real thing yet (real being a relative term, natch), but if I was Bella (oh, were that I were Bella!) I think I would be happy to walk down the aisle toward my dreamy vampire love in any one of these creations.

Check out the link (come on, you know you want to) and then tell us: Which dress do you think is best for the soon-to-be Mrs. Cullen?
And if it was you stepping into marital bliss, which dress would you pick for yourself?


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